Monday 7 October 2013

Pangsit adalah salah satu jenis makanan kering yang sering kita jumpai pada bakso-bakso kuah, yang ketika digigit sangat renyah dan pada bagian tengahnya yang gemuk terdapat bahan isi yang rasanya gurih. Daya tarik dari pangsit sendiri menurut kami juga terletak pada kerenyahannya tersebut sehingga membuat banyak orang yang sangat suka padanya yang apabila kita memakan bakso pasti akan terasa kurang lengkap jika tanpa pangsit ini. Uniknya dalam perkembangannya juga ada camilan sejenis yaitu berupa keripik yang serupa dengan pangsit dan banyak yang menyebutnya sebagai keripik kulit pangsit.

Keripik pangsit seperti ini berbeda dengan pangsit biasa, karena keripik tersebut hanya diambil pada bagian yang renyahnya saja sehingga tidak memiliki bahan isi yang terlihat mengembung seperti pangsit pada umumnya. Jika dilihat dari tekturnya keripik pangsit sama seperti bagian tepi atau kulit pada pangsit biasa yaitu kering, tipis dan seperti ada gelembung-gelembung kecil pecah-pecah, dan jika dilihat dari rasanya juga sangat gurih.

Sayangnya keripik seperti ini bisa dibilang gampang-gampang susah untuk bisa menemukan penjualnya, sehingga tidak seperti pangsit biasa yang mudah untuk didapatkan pada penjual-penjual bakso. Hal ini mungkin keripik seperti ini memang tidak terlalu populer dimasyarakat, padahal rasanya bisa anda bayangkan sendiri gurih dan renyahnya, selain itu juga cocok untuk dijadikan camilan dirumah maupun hidangan untuk tamu yang sedang berkunjung kerumah anda.

Bagi anda yang sedang ingin memakan camilan seperti ini, namun kesulitan untuk bisa menemukannya, tentu yang terbaik adalah mencoba untuk membuatnya sendiri. Oleh karena itu bagi anda yang tertarik berikut adalah salah satu resep dan cara membuat keripik kulit pangsit.
Resep Keripik Kulit Pangsit
250 gram tepung terigu protein tinggi
1 butir telur 
5 sendok makan air
Garam secukupnya
Daun bawang iris halus secukupnya(optional bila suka)
Tepung tapioka secukupnya untuk taburan

Cara Membuat

1. Campurkan semua bahan diatas kecuali tepung tapioka, kemudian uleni hingga semua merata
2. Jika sudah gilinglah adonan dengan mesin penggiling hingga agak tipis, kemudian bubuhi dengan tepung tapioka dan lipatlah menjadi dua bagian
3. Berikutnya giling lagi hingga benar-benar tipis, kemudian potong keci-kecil
4. Jika sudah gorenglah hingga matang

Saturday 14 September 2013

200 grams of pasta (Spaghetti / Fettuchini)
Olive Oil
Black Olives
jambal Bread
Green chili iris2

Red Pesto Ingredients:
(Mashed smooth)
3 cloves of garlic
80 grams Cashew Nuts
80 grams of leaves of Basil (basil can be substituted)
100 grams of dried tomatoes
50 grams Tomato Pasta
80 grams of powdered Parmesan cheese
100 ml Olive Oil
Pepper and salt

How to Make:
Jambal Soak the bread in cold water to reduce the salt content. Then dry potong2 dice and fry until crisp.
Prepare pesto by mashing bahan2 smooth all over.
Heat Olive Oil and stir
Jambal bread, fruit black olives, green chili, sauteed pesto sauce as well ... Then input that has been boiled pasta Aldente. Add Jambal bread again.
Serve while hot.

) * Aldente: pasta maturity level before softening point.

Bumbu Lumuran :
1sdt Bubuk kunyit 
2sdt Bubuk Bawang putih 
1sdt bubuk ketumbar
1sdt Garam  
2buah air jeruk nipis 
Minyak kelapa. 

Bahan Isian :
Ikan Bawal
150 gram Kelapa Parut (muda) sangrai. 
80 gram  Daun ketumbar (cincang)
50 gram  Seledri (cincang)
3 siung Bawang putih cincang
Chop kacang
Chop cabai rawit..
Garam secukupnya  
Gula secukupnya

Bahan Saus Pecak 
4Bawang putih halus
2Bawang merah halus
5Kemiri halus 
2cm Kencur 
Daun salam 
200cc Santan sedang 
Gula merah 
Minyak buat menumis. 

Cara Membuat 
Siapkan Ikan Bawal, di buang kepala ekor dan dibelah dan  tulangnya dibuang. Tapi badannya masih utuh (daging dan kulitnya saja)
Oleskan seluruh permukaan dan daging bawal dengan bumbu olesan. Diamkan 
Siapkan isi kelapa. Semua bahan isi yang sudah matang di blender kering.
Isi badan ikan bawal dengan campuran kelapa dan tutup. 
Panaskan minyak di pan yang lebar, lalu panfried ikan bawal dengan suhu api sedang. Goreng kedua sisinya sampai matang kedalam. 
Siapkan bumbu pecak
Semua bumbu dihaluskan jadi satu lalu ditumis, masukan daun jeruk, sereh dan daun salam terakhir masukan santan dan aduk terus sampai mengental. 
Sajikan Bawal gorengnya di piring dan siram dengan saus pecak. 

4butir eggs
Silken tofu diced
1sdm flour cornstarch
100 grams of meat Rajungan
Salt pepper.
Chopped roasted peanuts.
Cucumber in thin slices
Carrots in thin slices

Egg Tofu Sauce:
3/4 palm sugar
1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
1sdt vinegar
fish sauce
1 white onion chopped
3 chopped curly chili / red chili.

How to Make:
Lightly beaten egg, add salt, pepper and cornstarch. Add knows that in potong2.
Combine crab with a little beaten egg.
Heat oil in a container that is quite a lot in, and prepare a mold / high filter.
Soak the filter in hot oil and then pour the egg and out slowly. Fry until half cooked first and then enter the small crab .. And lastly the beaten eggs into the rest of the input filter is submerged hot oil.
Do not worry if the eggs out of the filter, collect and input back into the mold.
Fried until dry and browned.
Drain the oil cool a minute .. Then go and serve dipiring.

Making Gravy:
Boil all ingredients, stirring constantly until boiling and thickened.
Serve crab eggs out, with sliced ​​carrots, cucumber, and gravy.

white bread
150gr of fresh shrimp that have been cleaned
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
Cloves ½ onion, finely sliced
3 pieces of red chilli, sliced
1 whole chicken eggs
2 tbsp honey
2 pieces of cucumber
Tomato red 3buah
pineapple jam
fresh pineapple
3 tablespoons butter
Celery and leek scukupnya

How to Make:
MARINASI shrimp, with lemon, salt, pepper, then Pan fry or sauteed shrimp with bawanng chutney, garlic, red pepper, honey, pineapple, tomatoes for 2 minutes.
Gepengkan bread, fill with sauteed shrimp are already in, cover the bread, grilled briefly, remove from heat and serve.

In membesihkan shrimp, Break formerly head first, then the sides of the back, and then dispose of feces. Remember the skin is not removed, the skin to Boil broth.

Marline fish fillet
4 cloves garlic, minced
Cooking oil to taste
2 pieces of potato, diced

Material Sambel Tempoyak:
3 durian seeds
chili sauce
1 clove garlic, minced

How to Make:
MARINASI fish with lime, salt, garlic and cooking oil, grilled until cooked, remove and set aside.
Sauté garlic along with the potatoes and kabaw, give red pepper slices. Stir until cooked.
Take a piece of durian flesh, put into a bowl, combine the chili sauce, salt, and minced garlic.
Tempoyak serve fish sauce with warm rice and stir kabaw.

In kabaw process, so that no sharp odor when consumed then that should be done is to first boil it for 30 minutes.

Teriyaki steak
300 g mackerel fish cut steak (bone in) - 100g each
125 ml of soy sauce
100 ml of water
1 tbsp lemon juice
4 tablespoons brown sugar
75g sugar
1 tbsp chopped garlic
3/4 tbsp ginger chopped / grated
5 orange keys
1 teaspoon cornstarch
Crushed black pepper

How to Make:
> Input soy sauce, garlic, ginger and water into a saucepan, bring to a boil
> After boiling, put the red guka shavings, sugar, and orange juice 4 locks and keys orange peel. (As in wring, orange locks all included). Cook gently boiling kecik hinga
> After boiling and the sugar dissolves
> Dissolve cornstarch in lemon juice, then input into the sauce, stirring quickly mixed and not lumpy hinga
> Back hinga cook boil.
> Remove from the heat, and let cool to a temperature equal to the ambient temperature sauce
> Bumbuin mackerel fish fillets with salt and black pepper, squeeze the juice of key
> Heat fry pan, pour a little oil
> Pan fry steak cooked hinga
> Serve hot. Tata on his steak platter, pour the sauce
> Fit on the serve with mashed potatoes or rice
Sup IkanFish soup recipe is a delicious fish soup because the broth is used as marine fish soup because the broth was tasty and soft flesh will surely make all hooked. Also do not forget many of the proteins that are owned by marine fish is good for children's growth and body recovery after illness. Black snapper soup recipe or kerapa can be enjoyed while hot.
Fish Soup Ingredients

     500 g of fish meat kerapa / black snapper, cut into rough
     1 tbsp lemon juice
     1 clove garlic, grated

Pizza sauce

     1 liter of water
     2 cloves garlic, crushed, chopped coarse
     1 cm ginger, crushed
     2 tablespoons Japanese soy sauce
     1/2 tsp pepper
     1 tablespoon sake, if desired
     2 tsp salt
     75 g leaves of green cabbage, cut into rough

Supplementary material

     grated horseradish

How to Make Fish Soup

     Stir in fish meat with lime juice and garlic. Let stand for 30 minutes.
     Sauce: Boil water, put seasoning.
     Add the fish, bring to a boil again.
     Insert mustard, simmer until wilted. Lift.
     Serve warm with grated radish.

This recipe can be used for four people. Enjoy.

Friday 13 September 2013

Sate Daging Jintan
Ingredients Meat Sate Jintan
In order to obtain fine cuisine creations directly let us prepare the materials needed to make these dishes Pekanbaru Riau. The materials that we need are:

Basic Materials

     1,600 grams of minced beef
     3/4 teaspoon ground pepper
     3/4 teaspoon salt
     3 tablespoons honey
     6 tablespoons soy sauce
     3 tablespoons of cooking oil
     30 skewers

Subtle Seasoning Ingredients

     3 cm galangal
     15 grains of red onion
     6 cloves of garlic
     1 1/2 teaspoon paprika
     1 1/2 teaspoon fennel
     3/4 teaspoon cumin
     1 1/2 teaspoons coriander
     3 cm ginger
     3/4 teaspoon pepper
     3/4 teaspoon salt

How to Make Sate Meat Recipes Jintan Pekanbaru Riau
How to make a recipe satay meat is Jintan is easy, we just need to do some cooking steps netter that I'm sure my friend will not be difficult to do it all. How to make it is as follows:

     Prepare materials needed.
     Stir all ingredients on skewers and then wrap.
     Broil until toasted spices to infuse and mature.
     Do not forget while inverted during baking so that average maturity.
     Remove and serve for 30 skewers

If you want to get to taste the creations we can replace the necessary ingredient such as beef can we replace with another ivory according to taste. To be here, good luck Sate Meat Recipes Create Jintan Pekanbaru Riau.
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Resep Ayam Kelak Bage Khas Daerah Lombok
Chicken Recipe Ingredients Later Bage
Chicken later bagels are made from materials that are easy to prepare whether we base ingredients and seasoning ingredients rempahnya. To be able to immediately start, let's prepare the direct materials for this special recipe as follows:

The basic ingredients

     1 whole chicken, cut into pieces
     1 liter of water
     Block 2 pieces MAGGI ® Chicken flavor
     30 grams of leaf or leaves tamarind chutney kedondong
     1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Crushed material

     5 red onions
     3 cloves of garlic
     6 eggs hazelnut
     ½ cm galangal
     1 teaspoon toasted coriander
     1 teaspoon pepper grains
     2 teaspoons salt

How to Make Chicken Later Bage Typical Lombok
How to make a typical menu is not difficult, just a few steps away and the dishes will be ready to serve. Making steps are:

     First saute ground spices until fragrant.
     Then enter the chicken pieces, stir until stiff.
     After that enter the water and enter Maggi. Simmer until chicken is tender meat.
     Enter kedondong last leaf, and cook until wilted. Remove and serve while warm.

To make this menu to make it more special use young chicken broth to get a more savory and the meat is more tender. For kedondong leaves can be replaced with a similar flavor that can produce fresh and sour taste. Ok my description to be here, good luck with the specials menu that area.
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Thursday 12 September 2013

Fried duck is one of the typical dishes people in Surabaya , East Java . For lovers of fried duck , the food is very delicious eaten with warm white rice with basil leaves added in the form of fresh vegetables , cucumber and with distinctive sauces .
The basic ingredients :
1 . 1 whole duck ( cut into 4 major sections ) .2 . 4 bt lemongrass ( geprek and crushed ) .3 . 6 lbr lime leaves .4 . 2 bay leaves lbr .5 . 750 ml of water .6 . 2 tsp tamarind soak with 3 tablespoons water ( take 2 tbsp tamarind water it) .7 . Cooking oil ( to taste ) .
Spices that are :
1 . 12 spring onions .2 . 6 cloves of garlic .3 . 3 cm ginger .4 . 3 cm turmeric ( grilled briefly ) .5 . 3 cm galangal .6 . 4 items pecans ( toasted ) .7 . ½ tsp cumin .8 . 2 tsp coriander .9 . 2 tsp salt .
Ingredients 1 for sauce :
1 . 8 pcs chilli curls ( puree ) .2 . 5 pcs chili sauce ( puree ) .3 . 2 cloves garlic ( crushed ) .4 . 8 spring onions ( puree ) .5 . 1 tsp shrimp paste ( fuel ) .6 . To taste cooking oil ( for frying ) .
2 Ingredients for sauce :
1 . 1 pcs tomatoes .2 . 2 bay leaves lbr .3 . 1 stalk lemon grass ( crushed ) .4 . 2 cm galangal ( crushed ) .5 . ½ tsp tamarind .6 . 1 tsp brown sugar .7 . ½ tsp salt .
How to make :

First , boil the herbs that have been mashed fried duck , also enter the kaffir lime leaves , bay leaves , tamarind water and 750 ml of water into the stew seasoning before , then cook until the spices to infuse . Lift and set aside if the fried duck stew seasoning spice begins to thicken .
Furthermore , heat cooking oil and deep fry the duck pieces until cooked .
Then , grind material 1 for sambal fried duck .
For sauces , stir-fry ingredients that have been pulverized before, and then enter the 2 chili ingredients like lemongrass, galangal , tomatoes , and bay leaf . Include salt , tamarind and brown sugar and stir until cooked .
Lastly, serve fried duck with chilli .
Surabaya typical fried duck was tasty and delicious eaten with hot rice and vegetables such as basil leaves , sliced ​​cucumber , shredded cabbage and tomato slices . Good luck .
Fried duck is one of the typical dishes people in Surabaya , East Java . For lovers of fried duck , the food is very delicious eaten with warm white rice with basil leaves added in the form of fresh vegetables , cucumber and with distinctive sauces .
The basic ingredients :
1 . 1 whole duck ( cut into 4 major sections ) .2 . 4 bt lemongrass ( geprek and crushed ) .3 . 6 lbr lime leaves .4 . 2 bay leaves lbr .5 . 750 ml of water .6 . 2 tsp tamarind soak with 3 tablespoons water ( take 2 tbsp tamarind water it) .7 . Cooking oil ( to taste ) .
Spices that are :
1 . 12 spring onions .2 . 6 cloves of garlic .3 . 3 cm ginger .4 . 3 cm turmeric ( grilled briefly ) .5 . 3 cm galangal .6 . 4 items pecans ( toasted ) .7 . ½ tsp cumin .8 . 2 tsp coriander .9 . 2 tsp salt .
Ingredients 1 for sauce :
1 . 8 pcs chilli curls ( puree ) .2 . 5 pcs chili sauce ( puree ) .3 . 2 cloves garlic ( crushed ) .4 . 8 spring onions ( puree ) .5 . 1 tsp shrimp paste ( fuel ) .6 . To taste cooking oil ( for frying ) .
2 Ingredients for sauce :
1 . 1 pcs tomatoes .2 . 2 bay leaves lbr .3 . 1 stalk lemon grass ( crushed ) .4 . 2 cm galangal ( crushed ) .5 . ½ tsp tamarind .6 . 1 tsp brown sugar .7 . ½ tsp salt .
How to make :

First , boil the herbs that have been mashed fried duck , also enter the kaffir lime leaves , bay leaves , tamarind water and 750 ml of water into the stew seasoning before , then cook until the spices to infuse . Lift and set aside if the fried duck stew seasoning spice begins to thicken .
Furthermore , heat cooking oil and deep fry the duck pieces until cooked .
Then , grind material 1 for sambal fried duck .
For sauces , stir-fry ingredients that have been pulverized before, and then enter the 2 chili ingredients like lemongrass, galangal , tomatoes , and bay leaf . Include salt , tamarind and brown sugar and stir until cooked .
Lastly, serve fried duck with chilli .
Surabaya typical fried duck was tasty and delicious eaten with hot rice and vegetables such as basil leaves , sliced ​​cucumber , shredded cabbage and tomato slices . Good luck .
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In Indonesia, the cake is light snacks as an appetizer and dessert in a meal or snack as a meal replacement . Most cakes have a sweet and savory flavor . The cake itself is divided into two types , namely cakes and pastries which are categorized under the cake moisture and softness of the cake itself . Most moist cake has a soft texture and soft , while the dry cake usually has a texture that is a little harsh and dense .Cake bowsprit one of which is a traditional cakes in Indonesia . The bowsprit cake has a sweet taste of brown sugar and have a delicious aroma of pandan leaves used .As for how to make a cake bowsprit , among others :
ingredients :
1 . 300 grams of rice flour .2 . 50 grams of wheat flour .3 . ½ tsp salt .4 . Cooking oil .
Ingredients to make the sugar solution :
1 . 300 grams of brown sugar ( the fine comb ) .2 . 50 grams of sugar .3 . ½ litter of boiled water .4 . ½ tbsp cinnamon powder .5 . 2 pandan leaves ( about 20 cm and then sliced ​​lengthwise and tie the knot ) .
How to make :

To make brown sugar solution : initially prepare and cook a pot of water along with brown sugar , granulated sugar , cinnamon and pandan leaves . Cook all the ingredients to make the sugar solution to a boil while in stir until well blended and then drain .
To make the cake cucurnya : Prepare a small container or bowl and insert materials such as rice flour , wheat flour , and salt and stir these ingredients until blended . Then enter the partial solution of sugar into the flour mixture , then stir again using hands for about 20 minutes until the dough is smooth. Next enter back into the rest of the sugar solution while being patted dough until dough feels light trickle .
The next stage , prepare a skillet and heat oil. Then enter the batter using a large spoon into the cooking oil and deep fry until cooked dough . Make sure the cookie dough is fried bowsprit actually cooked evenly and fry until all the dough is finished .
Lastly, serve the cake on a serving plate bowsprit .
Bowsprit Indonesian traditional cake is ready to eat by your family . Good luck with the recipe and how to make a sweet cake typical Indonesian bowsprit .
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Risoles is a kind of finger foods or snacks typical of the area in Jakarta , Indonesia . Risoles in Dutch called rissole , namely pastry containing minced meat and vegetables rolled omelet is then given a layer of flour and then fried until golden panir . Fill in risoles can be a piece of minced beef , chicken, fish atupun shrimp , and vegetables such as potatoes , carrots and button mushrooms . For omelet on risoles skin can be made from ingredients such as flour , butter , egg yolks and milk .There are 2 types risoles very popular in Indonesia , the first risoles with stuffing and mixed vegetables with minced meat , and the second risoles with ragout or stuffing bits of carrots , potatoes and other vegetables . In this article will discuss about the recipes and how to make a typical risoles Jakarta .
Ingredients for stuffing risoles :
1 . 2 carrots ( cleaned and cut into small dice ) .2 . 2 potatoes ( cleaned and cut into small dice ) .3 . 300 grams of shredded fried chicken .4 . 2 eggs .5 . 4 spring onions ( finely chopped ) .6 . 4 cloves garlic ( finely chopped ) .7 . 1 cup of liquid milk .8 . 1 cup of boiled water .9 . ½ cup flour ( dissolved in water as needed ) .10 . Salt to taste .11 . Sugar to taste .12 . ½ teaspoon pepper .13 . 3 tablespoons margarine ( for sauteing ) .
Material for leather risoles :
1 . 500 grams of wheat flour .2 . 5 chicken eggs .3 . 1 liter of milk .4 . 1 tbsp salt .5 . 8 tablespoons cooking oil .6 . 1 tablespoon cooking oil ( for sprinkling when making a fried skin ) .
Supplementary materials :
1 . 300 grams of flour panir .2 . 1 egg .
How to make stuffing risoles :

At first prepare a skillet then heat margarine . Sauté onion and garlic shallot until fragrant then enter the flour and mix the solution evenly .
Furthermore pour 1 cup cooking water then enter also carrots , potatoes , shredded chicken meat and eggs and mix evenly . Cook until carrots and potatoes are cooked .
Once the carrots and potatoes are cooked , add salt , sugar and pepper then pour too slowly 1 cup milk and stir gently and cook again until all ingredients thoroughly cooked .
How to make skin risoles :

First mix using a mixer 5 chicken eggs along with salt , then enter the milk slowly while stirring the batter evenly . Add 500 grams of wheat flour while stirring by hand until the dough is smooth then also add 8 tablespoons of cooking oil and mix again until blended .
Next, prepare the basting pan with cooking oil . After that forms sheets of thin skin of dough pancakes on the griddle. Do it for all the dough until the dough runs out .
How to make :

First , take 1 piece of leather omelet taste then fill with stuffing and roll risoles risoles earlier , then glue the skin with egg white omelet . Repeat until all the pancakes and stuffing risoles skin out .
Next, whisk 1 egg and then dip into the beaten egg risoles then sprinkle with flour panir pre-prepared . After that , let stand risoles approximately half an hour before risoles fried .
After 30 minutes , all risoles fry until golden risoles then aangkat dantiriskan . Risoles Serve on a serving plate .
Risoles better eaten with sambal or chili sauce bottle . Good luck with the recipe and how to make a delicious and savory specialties risoles Jakarta .Related Posts Plugin for WordPress , Blogger ...
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Tempe is a typical Indonesian snacks which is one type of food made from fermented soy beans using tempeh . Tempe also is one of the widely consumed food Indonesian society . Tempe is now becoming known throughout the world . Many of the world who do not consume meat have eaten tempeh instead of meat , so that tempeh is not only made ​​in Indonesia , but also countries such as Japan , America and Germany have also begun to develop tempeh .Different kinds of processed soybean in Indonesia is extremely diverse , ranging from fried tempeh , tempeh tempeh steak bacem to already known to exit the country . Tempe bacem is the typical cuisine of the region of Yogyakarta , Central Java . Bacem itself is a way to process and preserve foods like tempeh this .
Ingredients :
1 . 1 serving of tempeh ( which is usually rolled in banana leaves or wrapped in plastic ) . Cut and slice to taste .2 . ½ liter of coconut water ( for a more savory flavor ) .3 . 1 stalk lemongrass , geprak and crushed .4 . 1 vertebra galangal , geprak and crushed .5 . ½ tsp tamarind .6 . 2 bay leaves lbr .
Spices that are:
1 . 3 tablespoons brown sugar .2 . 3 cloves of garlic .3 . 4 spring onions .4 . 2 btr hazelnut .5 . 1 tsp coriander .6 . 1 tsp salt .
How to make :

First, prepare the pan then pour ½ liter of coconut water , then enter grinded spices like lemongrass , galangal , tamarind , and bay leaf . Stir until the spices evenly coconut water .
Then enter the tempeh slices and then boiled until the coconut milk and spices shrink absorbed into the tempeh . Stir gently until the spices to infuse into the tempeh evenly .
Next, prepare kuwali and heat cooking oil . Fried tempeh do not get too dry or crisp , then remove and drain tempeh .
Lastly, serve Tempe bacem on a serving plate . Tempe bacem delicious eaten warm with white rice and other side dishes . Good luck .Related Posts Plugin for WordPress , Blogger ...
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First of all before getting how to make chicken rica-rica, little information about the chicken rica-rica which is one of the local specialty snacks Manado, North Sulawesi. Where "rica" this means "chili" or "spicy" in Manadonya. Rica-rica chicken is usually served as a side dish with white rice.

How to make chicken rica-rica this? There are some ingredients that we have to prepare.


1. 1 whole chicken (cleaned and cut into 15 parts).
2. 2 stalks lemongrass (geprek then crushed).
3. 1 vertebra ginger (geprek then crushed).
4. 4 lbr lime leaves.
5. 1 pandan leaves lbr.
6. 1 glass of water.
7. 5 tablespoons cooking oil

Spices that are:

1. 1.5 tsp fine salt.
2. 25 pcs curly red chili.
3. 6 spring onions.
4. 4 cloves of garlic.

How to make:

     First, lumurin chicken that has been cleared earlier with salt, then pour the lime juice and let stand about 10 minutes.
     Fried chicken pieces was half cooked, then drain. Next, saute chicken seasoning rica-rica was hinga fragrant.
     Then, put the chicken pieces into the spice stir. Include lemongrass, ginger, kaffir lime leaves, pandan leaves, and pour 1 cup of water earlier. Toss well.
     Cook and let stand until dry water content.
     Rica-rica chicken ready to be served.

Good luck recipes how to make chicken rica-rica, may be useful.
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Categories: Side dishes, North Sulawesi

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